Put #BigBusinessEnergy behind your Big Business Goals

Donata White's



(with the business sisters you’ve always wanted).

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Put #BigBusinessEnergy behind your Big Business Goals

Donata White's



(with the business sisters you’ve always wanted).

But you’re not quite sure how to make it happen.

But you and I both know there’s more out there for you. You want next-level. You want phenomenal. You want legacy.

Six-figure revenue? In the bank.
Dream clients? On the calendar.
Online community? Growing every day.

Things in your business are good. Really good.

"Really Good" kind of CEO


Let me guess...

You want to double or even triple your revenue. You want to make a nationwide (or global!) impact.

You want a sales and marketing system that creates sold-out launches, waitlist-only services and celebrity-level influence in your industry. 

You also want a business model that gives you the time, money, and freedom to travel the world and spend time with family and friends.

You want to max out your investments, build generational wealth, and have plenty left over to upgrade your lifestyle (hello, first class tickets and designer bags, if that's your thing). 

You want a business that stands the test of time and creates the freedom you’ve always wanted.

And you want it all to feel easier than ever.

Sure, business is "working," but you feel more like an employee than the CEO you set out to be. You weren't made to work 40 (or even 20) hours per week in exchange for the equivalent of your old paycheck.

There's more for you.

By most people's standards, you're already crushing it in business. But you're not most people.

you're here for bigger things.

You want more income. A bigger impact. Sold-out launches and waitlist-only services. Celebrity-level influence in your industry.

You want a business that stands the test of time and creates the freedom you’ve always wanted.

You want it all…with a side of grabbing brunch on a Tuesday just because you can.

You’re ready to go from successful service provider to legacy CEO.


you belong in the

This is an exclusive mastermind for businesswomen who are ready to scale from successful six-figure service provider to legacy CEOs. We’re putting #BigBusinessEnergy all over your business and goals… and we’re ready for you to dive in.



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you're one of us if...

You’re building a legacy, not just a business. You want to turn your business into an asset that works for you and your family for years.

You’re craving scalable systems that will carry your business to the million-dollar mark and beyond–while making it feel easier than ever.

You’ve hit the 6-figure mark in your business. That’s cool…but you want more (your vibe is more Chanel and cappuccinos, after all).

You want celebrity-level influence in your industry. Best-kept secret? No thanks! You’re ready to step into the spotlight.

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It’s more than just business coaching; it’s true mentorship that touches on everything involved in running and owning a business. From systems, sales, and mindset, helping me learn to shift from being a service provider working in my business to truly stepping into being a CEO working on my business.

Donata and her mastermind have been such an invaluable asset to me and my business. I absolutely would not be where I am in my business today without her! I know she is with me every step of the way as my business continues to grow and evolve. She always makes me feel like the goals I have for my business are achievable, and she is there supporting and guiding me every step of the way.”

"From day one of stepping inside Donata's mastermind, I knew I was in the right place. I felt like I was finally getting the support and coaching I needed from someone who understood my business and knew how to help me achieve the vision I have always had for my business and my family.

She doubled her business in a year!

- Allison //  CEO of liverealfit

The best part? If you want to stick around, your spot is yours forever–because we know you won’t ever want to leave.

The Bizfluencer Mastermind is a 6 or 12 month commitment…And I guarantee you won’t recognize your business 12 months from now. 

(and a whole lot of lattes)

you + me

“Working with Donata is the perfect combination of having a business coach and emotional support coach. She not only walks you through the mental and emotional journey that comes along with owning a business, but

She’s the big sister, supportive friend, all around badass who wants to see you succeed and will never let you forget your own dream. Get ready to reach your goals, because having the DW force behind you means it’s f*cking go time."

 she’s also here to show you how it’s done and how you can do it too.

- marisa //  CEO of mc media co

This container is designed to support your growth through every level of business. But we’re not just focused on the coins and the commas (although they’ll come, I promise). Because we know our special breed of Bizfluencer doesn’t just want money. You also want:

Our Secret Weapon

the Bizfluencer success pillars

02. Impact

There are only so many hours in a day…and you want to use them to impact as many people as possible. That means making shifts to reach the masses–while keeping your time commitment the same (or even less)!

03. Legacy

You didn’t start your business to have to work forever. But if you’re just providing a service without the right structure, your business can’t function without you. We’ll teach you how to structure a business that works for you and your family for years to come–whether you want to work, retire, or pass it on. Is that the start of old money we see?!

04. Freedom + Flow

What’s the point of owning a business if life doesn’t feel amazing along the way? A bizfluencer builds her business to support her lifestyle–not the other way around. We’ll dig into the boundaries, mindset work, and scalable systems you need to keep you out of the weeds and on cloud 9 in your business.

01. Influence

Who wants to be their industry’s best kept secret? You certainly don’t! We’ll focus on growing your authority and visibility within your industry to household-name levels. Because with a biz this fabulous, everyone will be talking.
Elevate your scalability with systems, structure, and automations that allow your business to take the work of your shoulders, keeping you in your genius and building your legacy. 


  • SOFTWARE AND AUTOMATIONS: Let the robots do the work and create smooth, stress-free business operations.

  • TEAM AND WORKFLOWS: Put together your dream team and ensure your business always operates in excellence. Create training and workflows that allow you to trust that your expert team has it handled.

  • INTERNAL STRUCTURE: Ensure that your business operations and processes can scale not just to the next level, but every level beyond. 
You don’t just want paying customers; you want lifetime fans who buy from your business again and again. Elevate your business with a white-glove client experience and high-impact offer suite that keep them coming back for more, year after year. 


  • CLIENT EXPERIENCE: Create a world-class experience that blows your clients away and makes them want to refer all their friends.

  • OFFER SUITE: Structure your offer suite for monthly recurring revenue, client results, and retention - so clients stick around for years.

  • OFFER STRUCTURE: Refine your offer structures to get your clients better results while you spend less time on delivery. 

We're getting you there with my proven 4-part Elevate scaling framework





Create a brand that sells like first-class tickets to the hottest vacation destination of the year. Elevate your marketing and sales strategies to bring in more soulmate clients who can't wait to buy. nt that position you as a highly paid thought-leading powerhouse in your industry.


  • MARKETING STRATEGY: Create a cross-platform strategy worthy of a multi-million dollar brand and steadily grow your targeted audience of ideal clients.

  • THOUGHT LEADERSHIP: Position yourself as a highly paid thought-leading powerhouse in your industry.

  • BRAND + MESSAGING: Clear, powerful messaging and branding that reliably sells your offers every time they drop.



You know your next level requires you to step into a new version of yourself. Elevate the CEO behind the business and keep yourself primed for every new level. 


  • COMMUNITY: Surround yourself and build deep relationships with expanders who are going where you're going.

  • BOUNDARIES AND STANDARDS: Protecting your energy and continually elevating your lifestyle will be paramount as you grow into new levels as a CEO. Inside the mastermind, create stronger boundaries and standards for your life and business (and the encouragement and accountability to hold them!)

  • MINDSET: Get big-sis support as you release the triggers and mindset blocks keeping you from your next level.



“Donata is the big sister, mama bear, ‘tell it like it is’ coach you never knew you needed. She will get you fired up about success and encourage you to

Life today looks like waking up without an alarm, having lunch with my husband just because, being able to work on my terms – when and where I want and most importantly, feeling fulfilled and satisfied with the business I created."

dream bigger than you ever thought you could.

- cheyenne //  CEO of sweet oak events

The Elevate Scaling Framework

This isn't some step-by-step, cookie-cutter business scaling plan; you deserve way better than that. The Elevate scaling framework is my proprietary, holistic business evaluation and planning tool that we use to create a customized plan to achieve your goals in business and life. 

the mastermind

what's inside


1:1 Elevate Kickoff Session 

Create your customized Elevate action plan in this private kickoff session with Donata. You'll dive deep into your unique business and goals, creating a concrete action plan based on the Elevate scaling framework. You'll know exactly what to do to scale, and you'll get the personalized support to do it.

2x Monthly Mastermind Calls

Create and execute a scaling plan for your business alongside the smartest CEOs around. Learn from one another and gain insight into how other movers and shakers are running their empires. This mastermind is intimate, so you'll get personalized feedback, get inspired, and get it started.


Quarterly Virtual Workshops

Dive deep and learn the latest and greatest business strategies in our quarterly virtual workshops. Get a dose of motivation and implement the systems and techniques that will absolutely launch your business forward–all while forging deeper connections with your Bizfluencer besties.

All-Access CEO Community

You have business on the brain 24/7, and you need support that keeps up. That’s why the Bizfluencer Mastermind comes with our 24/7 online CEO channel–a community that can give you the answers you need in between calls. You’ll have direct access to Donata with a guaranteed 24-hour response time M-R.


Group Coworking Sessions

You’ve got funnels to build, copy to write, content to create, and invoices to send. Wouldn’t it feel amazing to have dedicated time to blast through your to-do list? You will with our exclusive coworking sessions! We’re putting it on the calendar: Cross everything off your list with zero distractions.

Custom Review + Feedback

You'll never have to implement on your own inside the Bizfluencer Mastermind. We'll make sure your assets are as stunning as you are. Submit your offers, copy, social posts, emails and more for direct feedback from Donata and the rest of the incredible CEOs inside of this space.


ALL Programs + Masterclasses

Bizfluencer Mastermind members get an all-access pass to every single one of Donata's courses and masterclasses, both existing and upcoming. This includes Reel Fast Growth and Visual Content Academy, Mini Masterminds, Masterclasses like On Repeat, and the 1 Year of High-Converting Social Media Prompts database. No need to pick and choose; you're in for all of it!

Get all of the above for 6 or 12 months. Are you in?

apply now

Meet Donata

Hi, I'm Donata

If I’ve learned anything from nearly 10 years in online business, it’s that environment is everything.

When I started my business, I was on my own–and I thought it had to stay that way. Nobody in my circle quite “got it.” I spent many wasted hours trying to learn, implement, and push through mindset blocks on my own.

There was nobody to turn to–and nobody to celebrate with.

Business Mentor for Coaches and Service PRoviders //
Social Media Agency CEO

And I wondered: How much more could I grow and expand with a group of women to share this journey with?

Making the shift from service provider to CEO of a growing team and expanding business was rough. Because the support system wasn’t there, it cost me time (and hella $$!) to make the shift. I realized that to push past the 6-figure mark, I needed a tight-knit squad and a mentor that had been where I wanted to go.

So I built what I wish I had back in the day.

We do big goals, big dreams, and Big Business Energy. Bizfluencers stick together.

The Bizfluencer Mastermind is the program I wish existed when I was growing my social media marketing agency and coaching business to multi-six-figures and beyond.

I don’t want another badass entrepreneur doing this alone or shrinking back in fear of what others will think.

If you’ve made it this far, it’s because you know you’re made for more. It’s time to create the Influence, Impact, Legacy, Freedom and Flow you crave and deserve in your business. There’s no better place than inside.

Donata White's



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