I am very late to the train, because 2023 is only my third year choosing a word of the year. I love the idea of choosing a word that represents an idea of your focus for the year ahead.

There are many ways to choose a word of the year. Some people choose based on how they want the year to feel for them. Others choose a word that represents what type of person they want to become. Others choose a word that represents the actions they need to take to achieve the goals they’ve set for the year. 

I’m in the latter camp. I tend to choose words of the year that are almost project-based. They represent how I want to conduct myself and focus my energy to achieve what I want to achieve in the next 12 months.

My 2021 Word of the Year: Ignite

In 2021, I chose the word “Ignite” to represent a spark. It really felt like a year that a fire was lit and spread to so many aspects of my life. We started construction on our dream forever home. My husband got a new job. I hired my first team member and added more agency services to our repertoire. Everything was growing and spreading like wildfire. But by the end of the year, I felt like I was burning out. I had ignited the fire, but I hadn’t controlled it. 

My 2022 Word of the Year: Build

In 2022, I needed to go back to the foundations of my business. I chose the word “build”–like a skyscraper. And it was not an easy year. Because when something is under construction, it’s really ugly. It’s hard work. It’s messy.

After cleaning up parts of the beautiful mess left by my “ignite” year, I was simply exhausted. And frustrated. 

I knew that for my business to grow, I needed to put it on solid foundations. But I hated not seeing the results in the moment. It was a year of learning patience and delayed gratification while I built something that could stand the test of time. 

My 2023 Word of the Year: Commit

My word for 2023 is “Commit.” And I almost didn’t share it with you.

In truth, I was afraid to tell you because what if I didn’t follow through? Last year, I struggled with a lot of health issues, low energy, and frustration in business. At times, my follow-through was terrible.

I pride myself on being a dependable person who finishes what they start. And I didn’t want to put something out there that I couldn’t maintain. 

But to ascend to a new level of leadership in the business coaching space, I need to be committed and I need to be brave. Sharing my word with you is the first step. 

So what am I committing to? This year, I am committing myself to do what it takes to become the version of myself that has achieved my goals. That means I’m taking steps in my health, finances, my client service, the impact of our business, and my personal and professional relationships. 

Daily habits are the name of the game. I’ve implemented new health routines and new business systems to help support this new level of growth. And I’m being really, really intentional about how I spend my time. 

I’m committing to becoming a new version of me, and saying no to everything that doesn’t get me there. 

So there you go. I was scared to put it out there and fail. But isn’t that what we do in business? 

And now I’m accountable not only to myself, but to you.

I want to know your word of the year! Share it with me on Instagram

Hi, I'm Donata.

I started my business as a stressed-out lawyer and quickly grew into a multi-6-figure CEO. And in the process, I realized we can have it all. Here, it’s both/and: The influence, the impact, the legacy, and the freedom and flow you desire and deserve.

more about me

How to Consistently Enroll High-Ticket Clients Using One Organic Instagram Funnel

Free Mini-Course

Inside this free mini-course, I'm pulling back the curtain on my Ignite organic marketing funnel. You'll learn how to turn your IG presence into a lead-generation and client conversion machine, without posting 3x a day, building a huge audience, or hosting live webinars.