Today I’m teaching you all about the C*4 Marketing Framework, a method I personally developed over my 11+ years in the social media marketing industry. This framework is the exact step-by-step strategy you’ll need to implement so you can take your audience from seeing you as a complete stranger to begging to work with you. 

In this episode, I’m sharing: the four C’s of the C*4 framework: capture, connect, convince, and convert, as well as the specific tasks involved so you can successfully enact all four of those C’s and ensure everything is running simultaneously. Believe it or not, every single person who finds you online needs to be taken through the C*4 framework. After listening today, you’ll know how to make sure that client journey is absolutely seamless.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Why capturing your audience’s attention is the hardest part of the C*4 framework, and how to get more eyeballs on your marketing efforts
  • How to build connection with your potential clients through a strong visual brand, a crystal clear ideal client avatar, and actually being social on social media
  • The three things to always keep in mind when creating content to convince someone to buy from you
  • The importance of making the conversion process as easy, direct, and user-friendly as possible, and how to ensure you’re not leaving money on the table 

Thanks so much for listening to this episode of The Bizfluencer Podcast! If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe so we can notify you every time a new episode goes live. For more content like this, be sure to connect with me online!

Resources and Links:

Get Your Hands On These Amazing Free Resources:

Grab the link to the replay of the Holiday Business Planning Workshop (DM me “Mistletoe” on Instagram to get it!)

Get a sneak peek at my ENTIRE Q4 launch plan calendar (DM me “BTS” on Instagram to grab it!)

Other Things You Need to Know:

There are currently extended payment plan options and early bird bonuses for the Ignite Accelerator– the coaching/mastermind hybrid for new and growing entrepreneurs growing their businesses to $10K months. Save your seat at the best price of the year here.

There’s also currently a 14-month payment plan option for the Bizfluencer Mastermind – the ultra-intimate container for coaches and service providers ready to scale from $10k+ months to infinity and beyond.  Learn more here.

Hi, I'm Donata.

I started my business as a stressed-out lawyer and quickly grew into a multi-6-figure CEO. And in the process, I realized we can have it all. Here, it’s both/and: The influence, the impact, the legacy, and the freedom and flow you desire and deserve.

more about me

How to Get Your Coaching Business to $10K Months ASAP

Free Mini-Course

Inside this free mini-course, I'm pulling back the curtain on my Ignite Business Growth process. You'll learn how to take your coaching business to $10K months on repeat, without spending money on ads, working 40+ hours per week, or waiting months for your audience to grow.