How many followers do you need to make money online?

Trying to grow your business online, but can’t figure out why having more followers doesn’t always equal more money? Let me let you in on a little secret: it’s not all about the numbers, my friend. Sure, metrics matter, but probably not the one’s you’ve spent your time focusing on.

In this episode I’m sharing why you don’t need millions of followers to make real money in your business. We will go over real world examples of why followers do not equate to sales, what numbers on social media you should really be focusing on, and how you can build your dream audience and boost your sales by implementing a few simple steps.

Here’s what you’ll learn: 

  • What vanity metrics are and why they are not the best indicator of how successful your business is.
  • How to build your online presence for conversion, because let’s face it, conversion is key.
  • What to look for in high value followers– these are your future clients, so let’s learn how to spot them! 
  • How to build a targeted follower base of potential clients/customers and how to keep their interest!

Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Bizfluencer podcast! If you liked what you heard, be sure to subscribe so we can notify you every time a new episode goes live. For more content like this, along with the best tips, tricks, and truths about all things social media, be sure to connect with me online!

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